Category Archives: Tài Liệu XNK

Container stuffing & stripping?

Learn how to prevent cargo damage with proper container stuffing & stripping procedures. Understand responsibilities, documentation, container selection, and best practices for loading and unloading various cargo types.


Logistics is the ideal book for Bachelor students of logistics, providing a solid foundation as well as a practical guide. In modular and clear form, it explains key concepts, principles, and practices of logistics. Learning objectives as well as several case studies are integrated into each chapter.  It features chapters on Principles of Logistics; Logistics […]

Ebook: Principles of Supply Chain Management

While supply chains could be physically assembled in a straightforward manner, managing them required skills and approaches that were not needed when businesses operated more autonomously. Building communication, collaboration, and trust into supply chains presented new challenges, especially as supply chains became more globally dispersed and complex. We like to think we did a good […]

Ebook: Shipping and Logistics Management

  The book is organized in four parts. Chapters 1–4 present an overview of the shipping business. The shipping business is essential to the development of economic activities as international trade needs ships to transport cargoes from places of production to places of consumption. Chapter 1 discusses several basic questions in the shipping business and […]

10 Website Tiếng Anh Giúp Bạn Tiến Xa Trong Ngành Xuất Nhập Khẩu

  1. 2. 3.  Kompass: 4. The Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA): 5. American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI): 6. USA Trade Online: 7. …….  

Ebook: Logistics Distribution Management

Master key logistics concepts, from planning and procurement to warehousing and transport operations. This ebook provides a comprehensive guide divided into six core areas of logistics distribution management.

Ocean frieght prices to gri

Ocean freight prices face a General Rate Increase (GRI). Will GRIs hold, impacting import costs? Learn the current state of ocean freight and what it means for you.